General Synod 2014
General Synod 2014:









Pre–Synod News

Thursday 8th May, 2014

Friday 9th May, 2014

Saturday 10th May, 2014


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Printable versionSynod to Take Place in Armagh Until Suitable Alternative Found

A private members motion calling for General Synod to be held in Armagh until an alternative suitable venue can be found has been passed at Synod. Proposed by Joan Bruton (Meath and Kildare) the motion acknowledged with thanks the assistance of the Dean, Chapter and staff of Christ Church Cathedral Dublin, but said that General Synod should be hosted in city of Armagh until such a time as another suitable venue can be found at reasonable cost.

Mrs Bruton thanked the Honorary Secretaries and staff of Church House who had travelled the length and breath of Ireland to find somewhere for General Synod at a reasonable cost. She said 2014 was the final year of the contract with Christ Church Cathedral. She said that in 2015 Synod would meet in the Armagh City Hotel.

She said that while it was appropriate over the last few years to meet in Dublin and Armagh, meeting in Dublin was expensive and congested. She said there were suitable conference centres in Dublin but that they were very costly.

She said it was being proposed that Synod met in Armagh until a suitable venue becomes available.

The motion was seconded by James Balfe (Limerick and Killaloe).

Adrian Hilliard (Limerick) proposed the tourism capital of Killarney or the City West Hotel which is on the Luas and was opposed to having it in Armagh every year.

Bishop Michael Burrows also felt that the General Synod should meet in both provinces once in a triennium.

Canon Paul Willoughby (Cork, Cloyne and Ross) said it did not matter where Synod met as it was the sense of community gained while meeting that mattered.

Walter Pringle (Clogher) said that the economy in the South needed a boost in the same way that the economy of the North did and suggested finding rural locations for Synod.

Tim Jackson (Cork Cloyne and Ross) supported the motion of moving Synod elsewhere. He said access for people with disabilities was limited in the cathedral.

The Revd Niall Sloane (Dublin) said any future locations should not include a consecrated building as sometimes the language used at Synod was ungodly.

Ken Gibson (Connor) said that Christ Church Cathedral was a beautiful building but was not suitable for the networking with people that was such an important aspect of Synod.

The motion was passed by Synod.
