General Synod 2015
General Synod 2015:









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Printable versionNew Proposals for Election of Bishops Examined at General Synod

A motion containing suggestions on reforms to the way in which bishops are elected has been passed at General Synod.

The Revd Stephen Farrell, Provincial Registrar Dublin, proposed the motion that: “That General Synod welcomes the principles, analysis and approach to the election of Bishops outlined in Apendix III to the report of the Commission on Episcopal Ministry and Structures, acknowledges that there is a need for change and requests the Commission to bring a Bill to the next General Synod to reform the procedure for electing Bishops along the lines proposed.”

He said that the proposals contained measures to make the election of bishops easier. He said much of what was set out was aimed at putting a structure on the process that already existed.

Mr Farrell set out the proposed changes which include the recommendation that when a bishop resigns, the Archbishop of the province will appoint a facilitator to meet with the Episcopal Electors from the diocese. The facilitator’s role will be to help the diocese draw up a draft diocesan profile and statement of needs. Proposals also included enabling an electoral college meet twice, or three times if needed, in contrast to the current single meeting. The election of a smaller discernment committee to compile a shortlist of names to be considered by the full electoral college was also among the proposals.

“There is a lot of detail in these proposals, but much remains familiar. We have stuck close to our vision and principles document, seeking to maintain a balance between diocese and wider church and between clerical electors and lay electors. We have sought to safeguard the dignity of all those considered for Episcopal appointments,” he said adding that the motion was not legislation and the commission was willing to listen.

Seconding the motion Archdeacon Forster thanked Mr Farrell and Dean Victor Stacey for their work on the proposals.

Points made during the discussion on the motion included:
• The lack of time currently available for consideration at current electoral colleges.
• The power given to the discernment process was questioned.

The motion was carried by synod.
