General Synod 2016
General Synod 2016:



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Thursday 12th May

Friday 13th May

Saturday 14th May


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Printable versionClergy Pensions Bill Presented to Synod

A Bill dealing with clergy pensions passed its first and second stages at General Synod today (Thursday May 12). New defined contribution clergy pension schemes for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland were established in 2013. Standard contributions by the employer (i.e. the parish) currently cease at the earliest normal retirement age. The Representative Church Body proposes that employer and member contributions should continue, as a rule, until actual retirement.

The bill was proposed by Mr Robert Neill and seconded by Mr William Oliver at the request of the Representative Church Body.

Proposing the Bill, Mr Neill, said that as with the old Clergy Pension Fund parish contributions to the new defined contribution scheme ended at the normal retirement age. He said that clergy could continue in service until the age of 75 and they may decide to continue contributing the pension fund and if they do so then the parish should also continue to contribute. If the Synod approves this Bill arrangements will be made to facilitate clergy who wish to continue to pay into the scheme.

The Bill will come back before General Synod on Saturday for its final stage.