General Synod 2016
General Synod 2016:



Important Dates




Dún Laoghaire – Member information


Synod Broadcast


Book of Reports


Contact Details





Previous Synods:

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Important Dates Before General Synod 2016

A bill is a proposed piece of legislation which, if passed, becomes a statute and part of the law of the Church of Ireland. Draft bills should be sent to the Honorary Secretaries of the General Synod at Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6, or by email to honsecs@ireland.anglican.org, by Thursday 31st March 2016 (six weeks before the opening day of General Synod), so that they can be sent out to members of the Synod. Members wishing to propose Bills can consult the Legislation Committee for advice (please contact the Synod Office to do so).

A late bill can be sent to the Honorary Secretaries up to 5th May 2016 (one week before the first day of General Synod) The Bills Committee will examine all proposed bills (including late bills) for legal and drafting issues, and will report their conclusions to General Synod on the first day.

Notice of a motion should be sent to the Honorary Secretaries at Church House, Rathmines, Dublin 6 or by email to honsecs@ireland.anglican.org, by Tuesday 12th April 2016 (one month before the opening day of the General Synod). Motions may also be proposed during Synod under Standing Order 31(d).
The Synod website offers templates for the proposal of a motion: www.synod.ireland.anglican.org

Requests for Information:
Under Standing Order 51, any member of General Synod may ask for information concerning the work of a committee of the Synod or of the Representative Church Body. Questions may be submitted in advance to the Synod Office (if a question is submitted before Thursday 5th May 2016, it will be printed in the Synod Agenda) or submitted during the General Synod to the Honorary Secretaries. At least one clear day’s notice of such question should be given. The Chairperson of the committee or the Chief Officer of the Representative Church Body (or another person) shall answer the request at 2pm on each day of the session or as soon as possible thereafter.
Forms for questions are available from the Synod Office or downloadable from the General Synod website at www.synod.ireland.anglican.org

Under Standing Order 65, any member or members of the Church of Ireland who are at least 18 years of age may make a petition to the General Synod. This must be sent to the Honorary Secretaries no later than Thursday 5th May 2016. The petition shall be presented to the General Synod by a member and shall be referred to the Petitions Committee, which will consider it and report its findings to the Synod.
Forms for petitions are available from the Synod Office or downloadable from the General Synod website at www.synod.ireland.anglican.org